Thursday, October 28, 2010

Boys, boys, all types of boys

Started dating a Dutch guy. He's really nice, and I think one of the best ways to learn about a country is to date one of its inhabitants...

Thursday, October 7, 2010


I'm obviously not the best at documenting my travels. I haven't taken a single picture since my camera broke last month.

I'm also avoiding writing an essay about Europe's attitude toward migrants in a postcolonial context. Instead I'm sitting in my CHAOTIC room (jeans, books, plastic bags, crumbs on the floor! ketchup-slathered plates in the sink!) not doing any work at all.

I went to the Frankfurt book fair yesterday. I stayed in a pretty decent hostel, cleaner and more modern than most.

At Frankfurt, I got lunch with a literary agent who I knew in New York. We ate crepes outside. I feel like she belongs to another world, New York, 2008, snow flurries and stacks of manuscripts, it all feels so far away. It was cool because my "appointment" with her allowed me access to the agent's center at the book fair. Table after table of literary agents negotiating with foreign publishers. There was so much energy in that room! I also attended some interesting panel discussions about the future of book publishing. I didn't see much of Frankfurt the city, but I got a chance to walk around a bit.

The leaves have begun changing color and drifting from the trees. I really like this time of year.